Annual Meeting of Provincial Grand Conclave

The Annual Meeting of the Provincial Grand Conclave of Surrey was held at the Surbiton Masonic Centre on Friday 23rd July  2021. This was the first regular meeting of a Province since the resumption of Masonic activity.

The Brethren of Surrey and their guests started arriving from 9 am where coffee and bacon sandwiches were being served in one of the dining rooms.

Annual Meeting of Provincial Grand Conclave

The Provincial Grand Supreme Ruler’s Arch of Steel was busy rehearing their duties in the small Temple.

Annual Meeting of Provincial Grand Conclave

While our Provincial Grand Supreme Ruler and his Deputy were relaxing before the meeting.

Annual Meeting of Provincial Grand Conclave

Provincial Grand Conclave was opened by the Provincial Grand Supreme Ruler, Right Worthy Brother Colin M Beerling, who was saluted with seven under the direction of the Provincial Grand Director of Ceremonies, Wy.Bro. Ian Bloodworth.

After the In Memoriam to departed Brethren the Provincial Grand Supreme Ruler welcomed all the honoured guests of the Province hoping that they will enjoy the meeting and festive board. The minutes were taken, the Roll of Provincial Officers was called, as well as the Roll of Conclaves. There was a really good turnout by members of the Province.

The Provincial Grand Supreme Ruler welcomed those Brethren who have been inducted since our last meeting in May 2019. He welcomed them into the Order and presented them with a lapel pin.

Annual Meeting of Provincial Grand Conclave

Here we have our newest member, Bro. Clifford Beale, who was the first to be inducted into the Order since lockdown. He is pictured with the Supreme Ruler of Warlingham Conclave, Wy.Bro. Chris Eley, and the Secretary, Wy.Bro. Bob Tuthill.

Wy.Bro. Paul D Fitzgerald was reappointed as Deputy Provincial Grand Supreme Ruler and saluted with five. The Provincial Officers for the year 2021/2022 were re-appointed. The Provincial Grand Supreme Ruler then re-appointed the Commander, Bro. Martin Baker, the Deputy Commander, Bro. Jim Turner, and members of his Arch of Steel.

The Provincial Grand Supreme Ruler spoke about the good work that our Provincial Deputy Grand Directory of Ceremonies had been doing to support the Surrey Mark 2022 MBF Festival by riding 2022 miles to raise funds for the Festival. In appreciation of this he invited Wy.Bro. Simon McCarthy to present a donation of £2,000 to Wy.Bro. Ian N Clark, Provincial Grand Master of the Mark Province of Surrey.

Annual Meeting of Provincial Grand Conclave

Donations were also made of £500 to the Princess Alice Hospice in Esher and £500 to the Surrey Branch of the Motor Neurone Disease Association.

During his address to Provincial Grand Conclave, the Provincial Grand Supreme Ruler thanked all members of the Province for their continued support and requested them to continue to seek out from their Craft Lodges suitable members for this wonderful Order. Click here to read the Address of the Provincial Grand Supreme Ruler.

After the meeting the Provincial Grand Supreme Ruler greeted all our honoured guests on their way out of the Temple. Here we have our Provincial Grand Supreme Ruler with the Grand Summus of the Order of the Scarlet Cord, M.Dist.Comp. Ian S Currans, and the Provincial Grand Summus, R.Dist.Comp. Arnold Long.

Annual Meeting of Provincial Grand Conclave

At the conclusion of the meeting members of the Province, their visitors and guests sat down to a most enjoyable luncheon in the Elizabethan Suite at Surbiton Masonic Hall.

Annual Meeting of Provincial Grand Conclave

During his Toast to the Provincial Grand Supreme Ruler our Deputy Provincial Grand Supreme Ruler presented R.Wy.Bro. Colin with a pair of horns of oil to be used during the Commissioning Ceremony. A lovely way to end a most enjoyable day.

Annual Meeting of Provincial Grand Conclave

Here are all the photographs of the day:

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Article by Chris Eley and photos by Bob Tuthill and Chris Eley

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