Waverley Conclave - Doesn't get the Joke

It was with some trepidation that Wy. Bro. David Shelton organised Waverley Conclave's meeting for April 1st, but happily the event past off with no slip ups to spoil the day. Its regular meeting date was to have been Monday 30th March, but owing to the Annual Meeting of Surrey Mark, a change of date was necessary, especially as it was our Installation meeting and the Deputy PGSR and his retinue were due to attend.

R. Wy. Bro. Lionel Mee witnessed Wy. Bro. Ernest Niel being inducted into the Chair in fine manner by Wy. Bro. Peter Dack, ably assisted and supported by members, their guests and visiting Provincial officers.

Wy. Bro. Ernest joined our Order in the province of Hampshire & IoW, where he first went through the Chair. As a member of Waverley for some 10 years, it was fitting that he should at last enjoy that honour in Surrey.

Also present was Wy. Bro. Ernest's guest, the Deputy PGSR for Hampshire & IoW, who no doubt took back a few hints on how things should be done!

The Festive Board afterwards was attended by 24 brethren when the usual toasts were honoured and much good humour and merriment was had by all.

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