Last meeting of 2023 at Surbiton Conclave

The last OSM meeting of 2023 was held at Surbiton Conclave No.299 on Thursday the 14th of December, where Bro. Jonathan Burston was admitted a Prince of the Order.

Last meeting of 2023 at Surbiton Conclave

Unfortunately, just as the meeting was about to start a phone call was received from the Conclave Supreme Ruler, Wy.Bro. Keith Waller, to say that he had a fall earlier in the day and was unable to attend.

The Past Supreme Ruler, Wy.Bro. Derek Williamson, stepped into the chair for the meeting, while R.W.Bro. Mik Barnes, Past Provincial Grand Supreme Ruler, took over for the Ceremony of Admission of a Prince. Our Provincial Grand Supreme Ruler, R.W.Bro. Colin Beerling, gave the Lecture and the explanation of the Challenge.

Last meeting of 2023 at Surbiton Conclave

After the Ceremony was completed, Bro. Robert Hancock and Wy.Bro. Raymond Hussey being the only members nominated for the respective Offices, the Acting Supreme Ruler declared the elections in favour of these Brethren in accordance with the Book of Constitution.

Article by Ian Bloodworth

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